Cloudstack vs. Openstack

November 10, 2021

Cloudstack vs. Openstack

Are you looking for an open-source cloud management platform but can't decide between Cloudstack and Openstack? Fear not, dear reader! We'll break it down for you with an unbiased comparison!

Ease of Use

One of the most significant differences between these two platforms is the ease of use. Cloudstack has an intuitive web-based user interface, making it easier for system administrators to manage the platform. Meanwhile, Openstack can be more challenging to set up and use. It has more features and capabilities, but it also requires more technical expertise to operate correctly.

Winner: Cloudstack!

Scale and Performance

Both Cloudstack and Openstack are capable of supporting massive scale-out installations. However, Openstack's architecture is more flexible, and it supports more hypervisors, storage options and has a larger number of plugins available. Thus, Openstack can be more suitable for the needs of larger organizations or those with significant infrastructures.

Winner: Openstack!

Community Support

Open-source software relies heavily on community support. When it comes to Cloudstack vs. Openstack, Openstack has a more extensive community of developers, contributors, and users. This means Openstack benefits from more frequent updates, patches, and add-ons. However, Cloudstack has an active community of users and developers who are dedicated to its continued improvement.

Winner: Openstack!


Both Cloudstack and Openstack are open-source, meaning they are free for anyone to use. However, the cost of operating these systems depends on several factors, such as hardware, support, and maintenance. While the initial setup costs of Cloudstack may be lower, its ease of use may also result in increased operating costs in the long run.

Winner: Tie!


Either platform will serve you well for cloud infrastructure, but it depends on what you need from it. For those who want an easy-to-use management platform, Cloudstack may be the better option. In contrast, Openstack's scalability and community support make it an excellent choice for larger, more technically-minded organizations.

Thanks for reading our comparison, hope you've found it helpful!


Here are some sources where we got our information:

  • "Apache CloudStack." Apache CloudStack, Apache Software Foundation,
  • "Openstack." Openstack, Openstack Foundation,

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